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Duration: 1 hr 15 min
Electrosmog and Electrosensitivity: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Your Community
Our exposure to radiation is increasing with our use of mobile phones, wireless routers, smart meters, baby monitors and even energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs. A growing population is becoming ill. They have difficulty sleeping, are tired, have body aches and pains, have difficulty concentrating and remembering and feel depressed or anxious or irritable for no obvious reason. In this session you will learn how to determine if you are electrically sensitive, what products generate electrosmog, and what you can do to reduce your exposure and improve your health. If you feel as though you are "aging too rapidly" and want to "turn back the clock" you may want to attend this session.
Magda Havas, PhD is Associate Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University where she teaches and does research on the biological effects of environmental contaminants. Dr. Havas received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, completed Post-Doctoral research at Cornell University, and taught at the University of Toronto before going to Trent University in Peterborough, Canada.
Her current research is concerned with the biological effects of electromagnetic pollution including radio frequency radiation, electromagnetic fields, dirty electricity, and ground current. She works with diabetics as well as with individuals who have multiple sclerosis, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and those who are electrically hypersensitive. Her latest research links microwave radiation from wireless phones to heart irregularities such as arrhythmia (irregular beats of the heart) and tachycardia (rapid heart rate). She also conducts research on sick building syndrome as it relates to dirty electricity in schools. She helped draft Resolution 15 that was passed by the International Association of Firefighters in August 2004 in Boston. She also helped draft a Private Member’s Bill on Ground Current Pollution, the contents of which have been adopted by the Ontario Energy Board. She has given talks in more than a dozen countries on her research. Dr. Havas has co-edited three books and has published more than 100 articles. Her most recent book, co-authored with Camilla Rees, is Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution. She is the author and designer of the BRAG™ Antenna Ranking of School Study released April 2010.
Dr. Havas served as an expert witness in matters dealing with electrical pollution in both Canada and the United States and has been an advisor to several public and educational groups concerned with the health of the environment. She serves on the Scientific Secretariat for the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety and serves as science advisor on EMF-related issues to non-profit organizations in Canada, United States, United Kingdom and the Netherlands.