Compact Disc
CEU Credit: 0.1
Session Type: Management
Track Number: M-23
Speaker: Karl F. Borgstrom, Ph.D, Mentoring Consultant
Date: Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Time: 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
The NECA Mentoring Program is up-and-running and gaining momentum! The "Rules of Engagement" have been revised. We have established a checklist of things that need to be done by both the protege and mentor before the mentoring process begins. In addition, we have sucessfully completed a Mentoring Webinar! The NECA Mentoring Workshop is designed to inform attendees where we have been and where we are heading with this all-important NECA program. Whether you have already signed up to be a mentor or protege, or are thinking about it, or if you are totally new to all of this and just want to check it out...the NECA Mentoring Workshop is for you! Included in the workshop will be a discussion on the development of "Contractor 101" an online course currently being developed by MEi that will be offered to all proteges.