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Join the stirring opening session of the National Preservation Conference in the 1929 landmark Art Deco Boston Avenue Methodist Church, considered to be one of the finest examples of ecclesiastical Art Deco architecture in the United States. Be inspired and awed by the Cherokee Youth Choir, demonstrating that Cherokee language and culture are beautifully alive today. Tulsa’s mayor, Kathy Taylor, will welcome us to Tulsa and talk about the how the city is embracing preservation while developing its communities, followed by Richard Moe’s annual President’s Report. David L. Winstead, Commissioner of the General Services Administration’s Public Buildings Service, will set forth GSA strategies for utilizing its historic public buildings. Roughly half of GSA’s inventory of buildings are over 50 years old, and about one fourth are listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. As a leader of the Cherokee people, Wilma Mankiller represented the second largest tribe in the United States. Chief Mankiller was the first female in modern history to lead a major Native American tribe. She will address community revitalization and
rebuilding, the Native American experience in Oklahoma and the United States, and what it takes to rejuvenate a community and lead a nation to rebirth. AIA/CES LU (HSW): 2 / Session #W74