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 35842 - Mold Solution $18.00   
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Title: Mold Solution
Presenter: Bruce Rind

Format: MP4 Video file download
Includes: Audio & Slides

Mold and yeast affect virtually 100% of the population, either strongly or weakly. In my experience, 99% of doctors and patients don’t realize this. Effects differ with what our ‘weak link(s)’ might be and can range from rapid aging, chronic pain, dementia in older individuals, brain fog and poor focus in younger individuals, autoimmune disease, neurological disorders, hypersensitivities and allergies etc. It can affect any cell type because the fungal toxins can lower cellular ATP production which can affect any and every cell type in our body. Therefore, the effects are broad ranging. Dr. Bruce Rind has discovered and developed a way to deal with mold that is rapid and easy to do. He discusses the mechanism of mold injury, how to outsmart the mold, and how to test yourself to see if you are succeeding using a home test that costs nothing and takes about a minute to do.


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