Title: The Transformative Power of Rolfing Structural Integration - An Integrative Approach to Whole Body Wellness Presenter: Briah Anson
Format: MP4 Video file download Includes: Video & Slides
This presentation will offer an overview of both the principles and applications of the Rolfing S.I. system of bodywork. For infants to those over 100, what emerges is a cumulative understanding of Rolfing’s role in creating transformational healing and long-term wellness and its significant place in the mind-body connection.?
Anyone seeking relief from chronic pain or limitations of movement will be captivated by some of the stories presented here. This will be of interest to athletes, actors, dancers and other performing artists desiring enhanced performance, as well as those seeking to have their body released from scar tissue or from the residual effects of physical and/or mental and emotional trauma.
"We are all looking for a way to evoke human potential. We are all looking for a way to evoke greater physical and mental vitality." Ida Rolf, PhD