Title: Natural Movement Training - An Anthropological Approach to Movement and How to Do It On Your Own! Presenter: Isaac Chilton
Format: MP4 Video file download Includes: Audio & Slides
he pioneering work of Dr Weston Price led many thinking people to explore the wise traditions of our ancestors especially customs around food and nutrition. Many of us healed and became stronger from reading those stories and learning about older culinary and medicinal traditions. But what can we learn from the way our ancestors moved and played? In our sports-obsessed, performance driven, fitness-model-posting world, of health club members, desk jockeys and weekend warriors, we have lost touch with useful and enjoyable movement. Most fitness trainers are not teaching nutritious movement. Years before Dr. Price traveled the world another cultural anthropologist, Georges Hebert, was studying how tribal people moved and trained. He codified his research and developed a movement teaching method: Methode Naturelle. If you want to get stronger, more pliable, more capable and even heal from injury, come learn about this method. Isaac Chilton?s talk will appeal to novice, expert and reticent movers.