Audio Recording Format: MP3 Download
Presenter: Neale Donald Walsch
Conversations with God?famously asked 20 years ago: Is it possible that there is something we don’t fully understand about God and about Life, the understanding of which would change everything? Now Highly Evolved Beings are telling us: “Yes. And it can be reduced to three sentences.” We have all heard these sentences before. They are well known abstractions, and those humans who have opened their Mind to the Soul’s awareness have understood these truths completely and embraced them absolutely as part of their personal philosophy. Yet what most in our species have not done is apply this information in any meaningful, practical way in the living of their daily lives?? and that is what has stopped so many of us from living the lives of which we have dreamed, and from moving forward more rapidly in our evolution. This program is focused on giving traction to abstraction, exploring and helping us to adopt 16 specific behaviors that mark the difference between Highly Evolved Beings and humans living in an unawakened state.?It includes a striking personal invitation taken directly from the transcript of?Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species.?