Presenter: Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, PhD
Format: MP4 Video file download Includes: Video & Slides
Dr. Campbell-McBride will be talking about GAP Syndrome or GAPS, which stands for Gut and Psychology/Gut and Physiology Syndrome. In addition to the well published psychological and neurological disorders, there will be a wealth of information on autoimmune problems, allergies, asthma, eczema, MS, chronic fatigue syndrome, ME, fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes type one, chronic cystitis, chronic skin problems and many other physical conditions. New information on GAPS for those familiar with Dr. Natasha?s work will be presented and discussed. This seminar is a must for both those learning about GAPS for the first time and those who are already experienced. This seminar contains information used in the recent GAPS Practitioner Certification Courses.