Format: Audio MP3 file download $16 - Compact Disc $20
Presenter: John Lentz, Dmin
This advanced workshop utilizes experiences and didactic approaches to teach indirect methods of altering thinking. Various
approaches will be presented and demonstrated both for the group as well as individual volunteers. Beliefs, and strongly held fears
often restrict a person?s ability to grasp a concept and become able to use it for their benefit. Attendees will come away with innovative
approaches that speak indirectly and therefore can induce a light trance and help alter the person?s limiting thoughts. Since changing a
person?s thinking is for the purpose of enhancing their options and abilities it utilizes methods that are encouraging as well as freeing. These
approaches once learned can be adapted for a wide range of mental health and medical applications. Since, these approaches are utilizing
indirect methods of communication for mild inductions, they are based upon research dealing with hypnosis and the changes in the brain as
well as clinical experience.