Presenter: Mary Beth Augustine, RDN, CDN, FAND and Brigid Titgemeier, MS, RDN, LD Format: MP4 Video file of Slides and Audio
Are you unsure about dietary supplement use in the clinical setting? Discover the emerging recommendations for dietary supplement policy and informed consent and prepare for the challenges facing today’s integrative medicine practitioners in recommending use, documenting use, monitoring and evaluating use, and dispensing of dietary supplements to diverse populations in the inpatient and outpatient clinical setting.? Key knowledge areas presented about dietary supplement use and policy in the clinical setting will include: scope of practice, competence and accountability, clinical decision-making, patient decision-making, informed consent, assumption of risk, evidence-versus harm grading, medical contraindications, at risk and vulnerable groups, drug-nutrient interaction policy, anesthesia and surgery policy, anticoagulant policy, formulary policy, and adverse event reporting policy.Learning Objectives:
- Attendees will understand the need for written policy for dietary supplement use in the clinical setting.
- Attendees will be able to recognize at risk and vulnerable groups for dietary supplement use in the clinical setting.
- Attendees will identify dietary supplement policies that should be established in their clinical setting.