Presenter: Dean Bonlie, DDS
Format: MP4 Video file download Includes: Audio & Slides
Did you know that magnetism is necessary for life?? Our research, and others, indicates it is!? Did you know that magnetism reduces free radicals in the body?? This slows aging.
We will discuss the mechanism of action of magnetism on human tissue and how important the right type is.? The different effect of bipolar or unidirectional fields on the body will be shown.
Heavy metal toxicity has become a big issue.? You will learn the best protocol known to chelate them out of the brain and body.? Toxic metals are the major cause for fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, MS, Parkinson?s, Alzheimer?s and stroke.
Hear recent research proving that being in stronger magnetic field will increase ATP production and enhanced gene expression.?? Many case studies will be presented.