Audio Recording
Presenter: Samuel Dorn
This course will provide the endodontist with the basic principles needed to do successful endodontic surgery. Dr. Dorn will discuss the indications for surgery as well as the contraindications. Anatomic considerations and how to manage them also will be covered. Videos will be presented to demonstrate management of the mental nerve and management of sinus perforations. The techniques and rationale for the design and reflection of the flap, exposure of the involved apex and resection of the root-end will be discussed with slides and videos. A detailed history and rationale of root-end filling materials will be presented with practical discussion of preparing the root-end cavity and placing the root-end filling. The advent of the Dental Operating Microscope as well as new instruments and materials have given the dentist the means to successfully treat teeth that were once considered hopeless. With slides and videos, Dr. Dorn will demonstrate how to use these new materials and instruments, as well as provide an understanding as to why certain procedures are done. Also covered in this presentation will be extraction-replantation indications and techniques.