Tom Grandy
This is a wonderful introductory program because it touches on a portion of nearly every full-day program, plus a lot more. The morning session covers fifteen things all successful companies do. Each of the fifteen areas has point values assigned to it for the students to rate their company. Once the fifteen areas are briefly covered, the afternoon session goes into additional detail, using a sample company, on labor pricing and cash flow. Attendees walk away with all sorts of great ideas to increase company profits.
Learning Objectives:
- Determine why the other guy, who has been in business the same length as your company, is seemingly more successful
- Find out what areas your company excels in and what area?s need improvement
- Take home a least a dozen ideas that WILL make your company more successful (and profitable)
Target Audience: ?Builder/Installer, Contractor/Subcontractor, Professional Pool Mgmt., Service/Maintenance