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 22839 - Evaluation of the effectiveness of a school based mindfulness program for 3rd-6th grade student $10.00   
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of a school based mindfulness program for 3rd-6th grade student
Speaker: Svea Hall, MS, OTR/L; Fiona Jensen, BS, OTR/L; Adria Kennedy
Format: Audio & Slides

Objective: Report findings of an IRB approved outcomes study conducted with students who participated in a school based mindfulness program.

Methods: Study was conducted during 2012-2014 school year (total n=341) using pre-post test student self report survey methodology including quantitative and qualitative items. Survey design used themes from literature on mindfulness with children and language consistent with curricular frameworks on Social and Emotional Learning. Initial outcomes looked at knowledge of mindfulness, use of mindfulness, and emotional awareness. Intermediate outcomes examined social emotional functioning, social skills, coping skills, empathy, perspective taking, attention/focus, self-regulation, self reported ability to fall asleep at night and test anxiety. The long-term outcome involved intention to use mindfulness in future.

Results: Quantitative content was analyzed using paired t-test with effect sizes calculated using Cohen's D. Statistically significant differences (p < .0001) were found on each survey item for cohort of students who had selfidentified difficulties. Moderate to very large effect sizes were found on a number of survey items. Independent t-testing was done to compare groups of students who had participated in program previously vs. for first time. A significantly higher change in reported ability to take other's perspective was seen in first time participants [t(58)=3.99, p<0.001].

Qualitative content analysis showed a large percentage of students increased knowledge of mindfulness and emotional awareness when resolving conflict. Students also identified use of mindfulness in daily life contexts.

Conclusion- Moderate to very large statistically significant effect was identified specifically for those students with self identified challenges. For all students, results show an increase in knowledge of mindfulness, current use of mindfulness and intended future use.


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