Residential Countertop Fabricators Forum
Joey Marcella, Marco Duran, Michael Reis, Tony Malisani, Ron Hannah
Format: Audio
This open forum for residential countertop fabricators is an excellent opportunity to discuss with your fabricator colleagues many of the challenges involved in the residential countertop market. We will cover everything from fabrication methods, equipment needs and materials to customer expectations, personnel, and sales strategies. Come prepared to share ideas and discuss opportunities and challenges that you face every day. All attendees are encouraged to participate by presenting a problem or sharing a solution. Bring your topics and we will provide the forum.
At the end of this forum, participants should be able to:
Describe the residential countertop market
Explain how other fabricators deal with the myriad of issues involved in the residential countertop market
Discuss fabrication methods, equipment needs, materials, customer service, personnel, and sales strategies
Increase consumer awareness and understanding of natural stone