OSHA Regulatory Update
Harry Dietz and Tom Shanahan
Format: MP3 Audio file download
This seminar will present some of the federal regulations that are newly effective, at the proposal stage, or have recently become effective that may impact a roofing contractor. Discussion will also be had with respect to some state rules that will be of interest to many contractors even if they don't work in those states. Topics of interest will include material handling issues involving cranes and hoists, silica exposure, asbestos, lead-based paint and hazard communication.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the new hazard communication rule changes and how they will affect your training procedures
- Increase your understanding of the crane operator, signal person and rigger components of the OSHA crane standard as recently revised
- Understand the new rule related to silica exposures
- Increase your understanding of new regulations on the horizon that will affect your work practices and procedures including Injury and Illness Prevention Programs, disturbing lead-based paint in public and commercial buildings and activity surrounding asphalt fumes
Target Audience:
- Commercial Contractor
- Residential Contractor
- Metal Contractor
- Superintendent-Foreman
- Architect/Designer/Consultant
- Manufacturer-Supplier
- Sales & Estimating
- Owner/CEO/General Manager
- Building Owner/Facility Manager