Formats: Audio CD (shipped) or Video of Slides synchronized with audio Download
Janet DiGiovanna &
Danny Rubenstein
It is more difficult than ever to launch, build, and sufficiently fund a successful healthy beverage enterprise. Yet, it can be done. It's no longer enough to just have a truly exceptional product and brand. You need strong experienced leadership who can drive realistic expectations, have adequate and well-timed resources, understand the nature of a changing landscape, adopt best in-class strategies, build an experienced winning team, and be ready to respond rapidly to unanticipated shifts and changes that will always occur. Today's healthy beverage companies have the greatest chances of success when they are healthy companies at their core – maximizing the spirit and esprit of its founders, developing the tenacity to creatively overcome obstacles, a team that can lead by example, accurately measuring and communicating big and small successes, as well as knowing when to pivot internally and externally when something just isn't going as you planned – these are just a few of the "mandatories" to succeed in today's Healthy Beverage Marketplace.