Digital Download - PowerPoint Synchronized with Live Audio
These days our patients are exposed to “nutrition” information and recommendations from “experts” at every point in the day from television commercials everywhere including in-store and gas stations, to eager employees in grocery and drugstore outlets, to book clubs, to blogs, to celebrity endorsements. So when they experience purchasing confusion, no one can blame them. Thus, too often today, our challenge isNOT to make a recommendation, but to see our recommendation realized through purchase and compliance.
As integrative medicine practitioners, we know that they key to our recommendations lies in the quality of choice made. Two of the same supplements will not have the same result, two of the same foods, two of the same beverages. Yet, how do we communicate the Quality difference? How do we teach our patients, the media, and retail outlets to distinguish products based on their actual content not their marketed information? This session, The Case for Quality, explores this challenge and provides implementation strategies I’ve developed through patient interaction as well as the auditing of over 15,000 products for the AKA (Ashley Koff Approved) list, the non-profit stamp of quality nutrition.