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 20211 - Nutritional Adjuncts to the Fat-Soluble Vitamins - Chris Masterjohn, PhD $15.00   
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Nutritional Adjuncts to the Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Vitamins A, D, and K2 interact to promote adequate growth, to support strong bones and teeth, and to protect soft tissues such as our kidneys and arteries from calcification. They cannot win this battle alone, however, but rely on special helpers. The receptors for these vitamins and many of their related proteins are dependent on zinc. Magnesium intervenes at many steps to help them distribute calcium to where it belongs, in the bones and teeth. Vitamin K activates proteins only with the help of carbon dioxide, not often recognized as a nutrient. Thyroid hormone plays a key role in providing this carbon dioxide, and dietary carbohydrate may assist as well. This talk will focus on these and other interactions supporting the efficacy and synergy of the fat-soluble trio.

Chris Masterjohn, PhD, is creator and maintainer of Cholesterol-And-Health.Com, a web site dedicated to extolling the benefits of traditional, nutrient-dense, cholesterol-rich foods and to elucidating the many fascinating roles that cholesterol plays within the body. Cholesterol-And-Health.Com is home to his blog, The Daily Lipid. Chris is a frequent contributor to Wise Traditions, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, is a perennial speaker at the annual Wise Traditions conference, and writes a second blog on the foundation's web site, Mother Nature Obeyed. He has authored five peer-reviewed publications including a hypothesis on the molecular mechanism of vitamin D toxicity published in Medical Hypotheses, a letter to the editor published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology challenging the conclusions of a widely publicized study claiming to show adverse effects of eating coconut oil, and a letter to the editor published in The American Heart Journal arguing that drugs used to raise HDL-cholesterol should not be considered safe until their potential adverse effects on vitamin E metabolism have been studied, a human study on the effects of vitamin E on sugar metabolism published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, and a review on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease published in Nutrition Reviews. He has authored two additional experimental papers that are presently under review. Chris has a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Connecticut and is currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois where he is studying interactions between vitamins A, D, and K. His presentations at this conference represent his independent work and do not represent the positions of the University of Illinois.


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