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Morgan Wills, MD, Dip, CS
Staff Internist at Siloam Family Health Center, Director of Siloam Institute
Narnian Medicine
Tertullian once famously said, “What hath Athens to do with Jerusalem?” We might similarly wonder, “What hath Narnia to do with CCHF?!” The answer may surprise you.
In this interdisciplinary session, we will survey insights from recent scholarship on C.S. Lewis’ Narnia Chronicles as well as Dr. Wills’ own experience at Siloam Family Health Center, considering implications for both faithful Christian medical practice and apologetics. As many in the CCHF movement are learning, so much of the Kingdom of God is more “caught” than “taught.” This workshop will help us understand and hopefully apply this intuition in our practice of health care, learning from Lewis, a master of “theology through the backdoor.”