Compact Disc
Richard S. Ostfeld, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Millbrook, NY
The Fight Against Ticks & Lyme Disease Continues
New England and New York are the world's epicenter of Lyme disease and other tickborne diseases, and as a result green industry professionals and their clients are frequently in harm's way. With no vaccine available, and imperfect diagnostics and treatment, avoidance of tick bites is key to prevention. Yet Lyme disease ecology is subject to many misunderstandings about ticks, their hosts, and what determines human risk.
• Learn that there is no such thing as a "deer tick" and why deer are less important than most people think
• Review various control methods that can reduce the risk of human exposure in the landscape
• Understand how different landscape patterns can affect tick abundance and the prevalence of infection