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We are living with a workforce that in the next 3 years will be made
up of over 50% millennials. The fact that this workforce hasn't grown
up with pay phones, telephone books or employee handbooks changes
the lens in which they enter the workforce and therefore the way we
communicate with them must change as well. Workforce 2020 is more
collaborative, more social, more connected, more mobile and should be
more engaged. But we are in great danger of killing off possibly the most
promising workforce ever by leveraging old technology, old processes
and old thinking. Our time is now to model the future towards their
thinking. Can we do it? Are you ready?
Jason Averbook, Chief Business Innovation Officer, Appirio/Knowledge
Infusion, draws on more than 20 years of experience in the HR and
technology industry. Averbook works closely with clients as the executive
lead on strategic consulting engagements that deliver true business