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 2018 Cardiometabolic Health Congress - Full conference recordings - slides and video $149.00   
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Includes all sessions PowerPoint Slides Synchronized with Live Video of the presenters - Watch the slides and the speakers. For use on your computer.

Captured LIVE during the 2018 Cardiometabolic Health Congress. Recordings include the general sessions, and do not include the supported CME symposia.
PLUS includes Bonus MP3 files of all sessions.

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Preview the Event

CMHC Chairperson, distinguished professor, and expert clinician Dr. Christie M. Ballantyne discusses the benefits of attending the annual CMHC meeting with faculty member Dr. Marc S. Sabatine.


Presentation Speaker
Introduction to CMHC Women's Health Summit Pamela B. Morris, MD
Cardio-oncology: Overview and the Intersection Between Breast Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Ana Barac, MD
Cardiometabolic Risk in PCOS and Implications for Management Andrea Dunaif, MD
Impact of Pregnancy on CV Risk Factors and ASCVD Risk Pam R. Taub, MD
Choosing Wisely: Contraception in Women with Cardiometabolic Risk Nieca Goldberg, MD
Updates on the Role of Postmenopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy JoAnn E. Manson, MD
Women's Health Summit Expert Panel Discussion and Q&A Pamela B. Morris, MD; Ana Barac, MD; Andrea Dunaif, MD; Nieca Goldberg, MD; Pam R. Taub, MD; JoAnn E. Manson, MD
FDA Update and Late Breaking Trials Christie M. Ballantyne, MD; Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH; Robert H. Eckel, MD; Keith C. Ferdinand, MD; Jay S. Skyler, MD
Keynote C. Ronald Kahn, MD
CME Lunch Symposium A - Management of T2DM Patients with Diabetic Kidney Disease: Effects of SGLT2 Inhibitors and GLP-1 Receptor Agonists on Disease Progression Matthew R. Weir, MD; Robert D. Toto, MD; Lance Sloan, MD
CME Lunch Symposium B - Advances in HFpEF: Addressing Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges JoAnn Lindenfeld, MD' Keith C. Ferdinand, MD; Alanna A. Morris, MD
Where Are We With Devices for Diabetes Management? Anne L. Peters, MD
How Many GLP-1 RAs Do We Need and Why? John B. Buse, MD
CME Dinner Symposium - Mastering the Prior Authorization Process to Meet Patient Needs Pamela B. Morris, MD; Christie M. Ballantyne, MD; Kim K. Birtcher, PharmD; Matthew Stryker, PharmD, BCACP, CLS
CME Breakfast Symposium A - The ABC Access Program: Overcoming Barriers to Access of Newer Cardiovascular Agents for High-Risk and Minority Patients Keith C. Ferdinand, MD; Deirdre J. Mattina, MD; Catherine Davis Ahmed, MBA
CME Breakfast Symposium B - Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in T2DM: Applying the Trial Data to Clinical Practice Robert H. Eckel, MD; Harold E. Bays, MD; Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH
Updates on Metabolic Surgery Mary-Elizabeth Patti, MD
Obesity and Environmental Influence: The Big Picture James O. Hill, PhD
Day to Day Management of Obesity in Clinical Practice Robert F. Kushner, MD
CME Lunch Symposium A� - Identifying, Diagnosing and Managing Iron Deficiency in Patients with Heart Failure to Improve Outcomes and Quality of Life Eldrin F. Lewis, MD, MPH; Akshay S. Desai, MD, MPH; Gurusher S. Panjrath, MD
CME Lunch Symposium B - New Developments in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment to Decrease the Risk of Hypoglycemia Robert E. Ratner, MD; Robert H. Eckel, MD; Davida Kruger, MSN, APN-BC, BCADM; Deborah J. Wexler, MD
How Aggressively Do We Lower LDL-C and For Which Patients? Vera A. Bittner, MD and Marc S. Sabatine, MD
Risk Assessment for Global Cardiovascular Disease: Imaging and Biomarkers Matthew J. Budoff, MD and James De Lemos, MD
Multidisciplinary Case Consults in Lipid Disorders Christie M. Ballantyne, MD; Vera A. Bittner, MD, MSPH; Robert H. Eckel, MD; Pamela B. Morris, MD; Margo B. Minissian, PhD, ACNP; Pam R. Taub, MD
CME Breakfast Symposium - Finding the Balance: Treatment and Management of Hyperkalemia in Patients with Heart Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease George L. Bakris, MD; Keith C. Ferdinand, MD
Overview of the New 2017 Hypertension Clinical Practice Guidelines George L. Bakris, MD
Comparing the Hypertension Guidelines - Where is the Equipoise? Michael A. Weber, MD
Patient Cases: How Would you Change the Management of Hypertension Based on the New Guidelines? Aldo Peixoto, MD; Michael A. Weber, MD; Keith C. Ferdinand, MD
Prevention of Heart Failure: The Next Frontier Peter A. McCollough, MD
Integration of Biomarkers and Prediction of AKI and Cardio-renal Outcomes in Clinical Practice Aldo Peixoto, MD
AKI and Heart Failure: How to Manage Compared to General Population? Peter A. McCollough, MD
Advanced CKD and Benefits from CVOTs Jorge Plutzky, MD


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