Title: What? WHAT!? Confusion, Ambiguity and Vagueness Presenter: Peter Blum
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Participants will learn a) why confusion is a "blessed state?; b) how to make artfully vague statements; c) the usefulness of ?pattern interrupts?; d) when to be clear and when to be ambiguous; e) how and when to tell a ?shaggy dog? story. When can you continue to change, if you decide that now is not a good time? If that question stopped you in your tracks, maybe you are ready to learn about the value of confusion. Confusion of conscious awareness forces people to resort to unconscious patterns of thought and response, a circumstance that can then be emphasized and utilized by observant hypnotists and willing subjects. It is said that of all the induction techniques Milton H. Erickson utilized, the one that was used more than any other was confusion. In this workshop we will play with some confusing inductions, ambiguous statements, and learn by observing their effect on ourselves and others.