Title: Aphantasia - What is it and why should we care? Presenter: Paulina Trevena
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See yourself on that beach ; Imagine floating out of your body hellip; Walk up to that future you? Erm? nope! As hypnotherapists, we commonly use visualisation techniques in our work. However, there is a whole group of clients who cannot visualise ? they have aphantasia. Aphantasia was originally defined as a lack of a mind?s eye - but we now know it commonly cuts across more than one sense, and often all senses. This means some of your clients don't have the ability to tap into visual imagery in hypnosis, and possibly also hearing, smell, taste or touch. As an aphantasic myself, I know it can pose a real barrier to accessing hypnosis and change work. That?s why I started a research project into the subject ? to explore best ways of working with clients who cannot visualise. In this class you will learn what aphantasia is, how it may impact on your clients' experiences of hypnosis, how to recognise if your client is aphantasic, and how to best work with non-visualisers.</p>