Title: HypnoYoga and HipnoReiki - the use of hypnosis in spiritual careers Presenter: Anamaria Buiculescu
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"Besides their esoteric, ancestral practices, Yoga and Reiki are more and more being used in the medical and therapeutic fields, as doctors and psychologists recommend Yoga and Reiki as techniques for stress release. Reiki works on the mental-emotional layer, Yoga targets the body, mind, and soul. Unfortunately, patients self-limiting beliefs, limiting language, subconscious traumas, fears, and phobias often reduce the effectiveness of these practices.
Hypnosis and NLP educate people about “mindset” and brain health strategies, how even if they TRY so hard, it feels that everything goes very slow. Anamarie demonstrates how yoga/Reiki teachers that understand application of hypnotic language and waking hypnosis, can conduct group and individual therapy whenever a client has a catharsis during a Reiki session. It can be addressed with hypnotherapy, so becoming a HipnoReiki session."