Title: Hypnosis In Athletic Transformations: Elizabeth Sterling and Nickolas Ely Presenter: Nicholas Ely; Elizabeth Sterling
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In this class, join Nickolas Ely, hypnotist and personal trainer, and Elizabeth Sterling, hypnotist and ballet instructor to learn how to identify and demolish your clients inhibitory patterns to improve their self image, performance, power, athletic prowess and artistic performance!
Elizabeth is a Certified Hypnotist and Performance Coach based out of Denver, CO. As a ballet coach and former professional dancer she is passionate about building a better ballet culture and supporting dancer’s mental health through utilizing practical neuroscience techniques to help dancers break through performance anxiety and build positive habits for success.
Nickolas Ely is a 30 year veteran of hypnosis, hypnotherapist, sorceror, personal trainer, martial artist, minister, coach and leader in supporting and mentoring men in crisis. He specializes in offering spiritual and intuitive guidance through hypnosis, engineering productive lifestyles and engaging in body-mind transformation for clients, friends and fellow hypnotists.