Title: Energetic Rejuvenation with Kundalini Yoga Presenter: Martin Baratz
Audio MP3 Download $15
"Energetic Rejuvenation with Kundalini Yoga
Come and learn a Kriya (yoga set) that will Move Energy from the base of your spine to the Top of your head. Join me as I guide you through a series of movements (kriyas) breath control ( pranayama) Mantra and Deep Relaxation , that will leave you Rejuvenated and Energized as well as Relaxed. We all accumulate energies as we interact with Life especially if you deal with peoples issues. To keep your Energetic / Vibrational System clean and flowing, join me with loose fitting clothes and a yoga mat or towel and if you can't sit on the floor you can do it from a chair. You will take home a Kriya that you will be able to do when necessary or even daily or just when you need to feel Better. Who knows it might even become another Good Habit or Tool . "