Title: Hobbyist to Professional, the 5 Things You Must Do NOW! Presenter: Scott Christie
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Learn the 5 key things you need to do right
away that will allow you to fill your calendar with prequalified and eager clients that were literally
begging for you to help them. You are positioned perfectly to leverage your understanding of human
behavior to achieve the business that you have dreamed of, even if you do not like selling or promoting
yourself. Discover the 5 key strategies that Scott uses to unlock booking as many clients as he wishes
consistently, month after month. Imagine if there is a way to make your services irresistible to people
looking to make changes in their life, imagine a client not being able to resist your offer to help them -
Would that significantly change your business? Would that significantly change your life? Scott will chat
how he takes away all pre-booking objections that potential clients have and how he has automated this
process! Discover how focusing on becoming a specialist in one area can skyrocket your success rate and
booking rate (even if you specialize in many areas). Want to make $100,000+ a year in hypnosis? There
is a system to get you there, attend and listen as Scott delivers his step-by-step proven system that he
has used to become massively successful.