Title: Panel - What Anxiety Really Is and How to End It Presenter: Tim Box; Kelly Fisher; Cynde Gardner; Melissa Tiers; Michael Watson; Conny Wladkowski
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How to End Anxiety Without Years of Therapy
We weren't born with stress and anxiety - it was taught to us through our childhood. Parents, friends, and societal rules all play a major part in our minds being out of balance. The best news is there's a way to reverse, retrigger and replace these old programs. We can end mental suffering by ending anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. I have developed and designed an “Emotional Funnel System” that enables us to shift our perception of anxiety from being something we have to deal with to being a symptom that we can completely eliminate with the right tools. This approach is the culmination of over 26 years working with thousands of clients suffering from anxiety, and it works every time it is applied correctly. As a result of making this shift, we can achieve a higher vibration on the planet with nothing but happy, balanced humans sharing all the world.