Title: Educate Your Clients: (Interactive) Pre-talk Videos Presenter: Rob De Groof
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In Rob?s Hypnosis Centre in Belgium his team
of hypnotherapists don?t do a pre-talk in the therapy room anymore. Instead, clients receive a prerecorded
pre-talk by email. In this talk Rob explains why he switched to this format years ago and what
all the advantages are. Recently the format was updated to an interactive pre-talk video to prepare the
clients even better for the sessions. Using this type of video, the clients will get more personal
information, and they will be better prepared for your session. And as we all know: Well prepared
clients = better sessions = higher success rate = more referrals = more clients. You will learn how to
create a video like this, what content you should include and how you can produce it without spending a
lot of money.