Title: Awareness & Logical Thinking: Esdaile Incidences as Evidence on Saturday Presenter: Larry Elman
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Subjects in Hypnotic States seem to retain their awareness and logical thinking ability. The ability to reject a Suggestion has long been felt to prove that. On the other hand, it was not all that long ago that this point was doubted by some because as deeper States are used, communication sometimes degrades.
An incident in Esdaile will be discussed in detail which gives our profession positive proof that AWARENESS and LOGICAL THINKING ABILITY are fully retained at even such depths as the Esdaile State and the Sichort State. The eventual conclusion is that Hypnotic Depth does not change either AWARENESS or LOGICAL THOUGHT CAPABILITY in ANY Hypnotic State. "So what?" Well, one's hypnotic semantics and patter need to be consistent with these facts. A Seminar-style discussion will consider this