Title: Hypnotic Ayahuasca Presenter: Marian Spurgeon
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While in the process of suing the government for religious exemption, members
of the Church of Santo Daime in Ashland, Oregon continued to hold ceremony with water instead of
ayahuasca (known as daime, pronounced "die-me" within the tradition). Hypnotists may not to be
shocked to discover they had similar experiences. Being a daimista has taught me a thing or two about
trance and group ritual. And I would love to share some insights with you during an experiential session.
First, I will give you some context as to what we're doing, from a cultural perspective as well as a
hypnosis perspective, as I know most if not all of you have never experience this ritual before. Then, I
will lead our group in a close approximation of a Santo Daime ceremony, which typically lasts at least 4
hours, using placebo sacrament. Our ceremony will be a little shorter, and modified for the context of
our conference, and in English. Afterwards, we'll take some time to reflect and share our experiences.