Title: YOU are the Hypnosis! Presenter: Kelli von Heydekampf
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Hearing Melissa Tiers make this statement at my very first Hypnothoughts sparked an insight in me that I really needed. At the end of the day, after all of the scripts, processes and techniques, I needed to believe in me. I needed to be the authority who conveyed the message, "This is going to work". It was a powerful moment for me and supercharged how I showed up in my practice.
Around the same time I opened my practice, I signed up for my first Improv class and I have been active in Improv ever since, for around 7 years now. Best decision ever!
In this two-hour class, we will be going over the concepts that I discovered from that one statement, "You are the hypnosis!". We will also be using Improv techniques and games to play at breaking through your perceived limitations. This class is interactive, fun and beneficial. I will be asking you to share where you are stuck, what is holding you back and creating space for you to step fully into the statement of "I am the hypnosis!" David Synder is often heard saying that if you want to improve your skills, do it playfully and we will be doing just that! Let's play together!