Title: Bones and Ancestral Healing of Inherited Sufferings and Beliefs Presenter: Paul Wong
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Hypnothoughts 2022 Presenters Catalog
Are you suffering from health and reactions in many of the same ways as your parents and ancestors? They can be or your unhealthy and unconscious beliefs, perception and unconscious behaviors affecting life in many negative and destructive ways. The bones store old experiences and hold some deepest beliefs learned from life. They hold and hide forgotten unresolved life traumas. The benefits of healing the bones can have huge impacts. When life badly triggered you, it is often connected to a deeply painful unresolved experience.
If you address this at the bone level, you can notice exponential benefits and healings across multiple life contexts. In this 1-hr talk, you experience the basics of bone releasing and ancestral healing: 1. Communicate with bones 2. Release old survival responses 3. Melt the frozen emotions in bones 4. Reprogram bones.