Title: Metaphoric Associative Cards Presenter: Natalya Chevskaya
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Metaphoric Associative Cards is an effective and safe tool to reach
subconscious mind of any resistant client in a very gentle way. Some clients cannot put a finger on their
problem, but just by pulling one card out they can easily reach their most immediate problem. That
allows you to create instant rapport and trust, because it is client’s own words and interpretations that
are being used, not your suggestions or explanations. Based on the metaphors provided by your client
you can come up with an acceptable way to reach the deepest level of subconscious where your client
can accept your suggestions. Metaphoric Associative cards activate the subconscious, helping your client
find the root cause of their problem. This process bypasses the mind and allows advancement into the
depths of the psyche. Just by answering simple questions about a card and describing a picture, while
being disassociated from their problem. In the process of playing your client can safely express their
most difficult topics using metaphors. This process of play allows client to stay in a state of trans and
works wonderfully with kids and adults alike.