Title: Stop The Amygdala Hijack! Presenter: Kevin Cole
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Let’s face it. People these days are more stressed than ever, and just aren’t thinking clearly. Why? Because their Amygdala has been hijacked!
If you’d like to learn what the heck I’m talking about, and more importantly, learn and experience for yourself, how to *Rapidly Trance-Form Anxiety Into Serenity*, then be at this extremely educational, and highly experiential workshop.
In this workshop, you will learn and experience…
- The simple, and practical Neuroscience of what an “Amygdala Hijack” is, and more importantly, how to Rapidly Take Control of your own brain, so you can teach your clients how to do the same.
- Both modern day and ancient techniques for stimulating the Vagus Nerve. **I’ll explain what the Vagus Nerve is too.