Title: The Gallery Hypnosis: Stuck in Time Presenter: Gila Zak
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Whether you are a newbie to hypnosis or a veteran, you will no doubt enjoy this mixture of multiple sub-modalities for use with your clients. The Gallery Hypnosis will help your clients with a wide range of issues from sexual or religious trauma to PTSD, athletic performance to sexual performance, fears, and phobias and more without regression to cause.
Here is a peer review about The Gallery Hypnosis: Gila's Gallery Hypnosis is a wonderful blend of inner child work and regression that is supportive and transformative. With a calm and grounding presence, she guides you through the process of freeing parts of yourself that have gotten 'stuck in time'. The process is gentle, safe and effective and you're left with a greater sense of wholeness and peace. The Gallery Hypnosis could be integrated into all sorts of session work, and I’m very excited to bring this technique to my clients!" Kayli Larkin, Relationship Coach and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist