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 35850 - Move or Die $18.00   
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Title: Move or Die
Presenter: Isaac Chilton

Format: MP4 Video file download
Includes: Audio & Slides

The late Moshe Feldenkrais said ?movement is life.? Most of us feel better when we move regularly. But exactly how is movement related to feeling better? In his presentation ?Move or Die,? Isaac Chilton will talk about how a movement practice can affect specific body tissues and why movement is essential to vitality. This talk will feature explanations about why we may feel old and how that feeling may be over-linked with another sense: hunger for movement. Practical suggestions about how to keep moving will be offered. This presentation is for reticent and incessant movers. Young, youngish and older adults will be inspired to start a movement practice or beef up and add variety to their current movement choices.


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