Title: Vitamin A - Key to Fertility Presenter: Pam Schoenfeld
Format: MP4 Video file download Includes: Audio & Slides
Globally, one in six adults experience infertility according to the World Health Organization. Unfortunately, the current standard of care for infertility involves expensive medical intervention which is not without harm to the mother or baby. Infertility does not discriminate?high-income individuals are affected to an even greater extent than lower-income individuals; men as often as women. There are a myriad of reasons behind this growing problem that include the advancing age of both parents, obesity, chronic diseases such as diabetes, and pollutants in the environment. Malnutrition is a known contributor, but often overlooked in individuals with adequate access to food. Learn why true vitamin A is essential to female and male fertility and prenatal development, why vitamin A deficiency is overlooked as a cause for fertility problems, and how our ancestors used vitamin A-rich animal foods to prepare for having healthy children.