Title: The Every Chanaging Germ Theory Mythology. That They Don't Even Follow Presenter: William Trebing
Format: MP4 Video file download Includes: Video & Slides
In this discussion, Dr. William Trebing will be covering his knowledge from over forty years of research into germ theory corruption as it relates to American history, politics and law.? Focusing on chapters from his new book, he will bring the following topics front and center:
the vaccine mythology they don’t even follow;
virus and “germ” ghost stories;
the nonsense and nonscience of the Covid scamdemic;
the original intent of Jonas Salk advanced homeopathy;
installing big pharma as your biology deity;
historical significance of germ theory fraud from 1935 to the present day;
Mass-programming and mind control; and,
the art of war: know thy enemy, the only way out.