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 35282 - Mercury, Root Canals And Implants - Oh My! - Blanche Grube $25.00   
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Title: Mercury, Root Canals And Implants - Oh My!
Presenter: Blanche Grube

Format: MP4 Video file download
Includes: Video & Slides

Dr. Blanche Grube will tell us the story that started in the mid-1800s when the dental surgeons, who were also medical doctors, were dismantled by the dental craftsmen who found using mercury dental amalgam to be a cheap and easy way to fill teeth. And so began the American Dental Association and the mandate to have hundreds of millions of mercury amalgam fillings to be implanted in people’s teeth.

Next came the work of Dr. William Hunter, Dr. Frank Billings, Dr. Edward Rosenow and, most importantly, Dr. Weston A. Price. While studying oral health and how it affects whole-body health, Price assembled a team of experts in all branches of medicine and dentistry.

His impeccable work on the toxicity of root canals is confirmed by recent research. Implants were intended to be the answer to toxic root canals, but evidence-based science is showing that they too, can harbor harmful bacteria and the nano-particles translocate to other parts of the body!


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