Presenter: Ben Edwards
Format: MP4 Video file download Includes: Video & Slides
Iron is essential for life. However, excess iron that is not properly chaperoned is deadly as it will combine with oxygen to rust you from the inside out (aka ?oxidative stress?). Oxidative stress is the common denominator of all western disease from Alzheimer?s to cancer to coronary artery disease. Since iron has been fortified into the American food supply since the 1940s and the body recycles iron very effectively with no known iron excretion pathway other than bleeding, most Americans are over-saturated with iron in their tissues. Are you really ?anemic? or is the iron just stuck in the tissues? Come learn how bioavailable copper found most prominently in organ meats along with animal-based vitamin A (aka retinol) are essential for chaperoning iron and also essential to the master antioxidant needed to deal with this iron-induced oxidative stress.