Presenter: Bruce Rind
Format: MP4 Video file download Includes: Video & Slides
Breast thermography is very different from mammography and other imaging methods where one can only image what already exists, i.e., ?structural?. Breast thermography enables us to do a ?functional? assessment that helps assess the current state of health, risk and likely presence of cancer in the breast. Thus, women can be empowered to take steps during the preventive phase of breast health and often assess the presence of tumors which are too small to be seen by the usual imaging modalities since thermography is not looking for the physical tumor. Instead, thermography finds physiologic signs that indicate the likely presence of a tumor or the presence of high risk. If high risk is detected, then we have the opportunity to take steps to improve breast health and reduce the risk. The improvement or, in some cases, worsening can typically be seen in the thermographic image.