Presenter: Chris Knobbe
Format: MP4 Video file download Includes: Audio & Slides
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss and blindness in people over the age of 65, currently affecting nearly 196 million people worldwide. Nearly one in three adults in the U.S. can expect to develop AMD within their lifetimes. Conventional ophthalmology holds that AMD is caused primarily by aging and genetics, with “environmental factors” as the third factor of least importance.? Approximately 45 to 70% of the disease is currently held to be caused by genetic factors.
In stark contrast to these widely held beliefs, I’ve proffered the hypothesis that it is the ‘displacing foods of modern commerce’ that are the primary and proximate cause of AMD, while genetic factors play a diminutive role. Much evidence, including our published research in the journal?Medical Hypotheses, supports this conclusion. In this presentation, not only will our own research be presented, but much evidence will be presented correlating the ‘displacing foods’ to multiple diseases of civilization, including AMD. This evidence will challenge currently held dogma regarding AMD, while implicating the ‘displacing foods’ as the primary factors of this potentially blinding disease. Controversial?? Absolutely.? But if you have any concern for your vision, don’t miss this compelling presentation!