Carpet Installation: The Issues, The Answers, and the New S-600 Standard
Robert Varden, Larry Cooper
Format: Video of Slides with Synchronized Audio
Companies engaged in manufacturing, specifying, selling, and installing carpet should
establish, implement, and consistently follow methods and procedures that are clear and concise to get standardized results. Jobs can vary greatly in size and scope, and potentially, they can have unique issues or be relatively easy to install. Proper installation of carpet products requires an in-depth knowledge of how carpet is made, recommended installation practices, and procedures that follow a standard of care. The carpet’s manufacturing method, style, and backing material all impact the tools, adhesives, sundry items, and installation process that is employed to achieve a successful installation. This session will discuss best practices for installation to increase customer satisfaction, while reviewing the S600 for Carpet Installation.
At the end of this seminar, participants should be able to:
Provide great customer service
Implement proper techniques for carpet installation
Describe the new S-600 Carpet Installation Standard
Identify certifications available to carpet installers