Identifying and Installing Today's Carpets
Robert Varden
Format: Video of Slides with Synchronized Audio
Are you wondering why suddenly even your best installers are having problems with their carpet installations? Are you suddenly seeing material that looks very different than it has in the past? Many materials may look the same, but they are not the same. The reality is that the materials your installers are working with today are changing at a rapid pace. Even the best installers must educate themselves on the changes taking place with carpet today, or they will inevitably have a failure. Attend this seminar and you will learn what you need to know to avoid failures before they happen. This seminar will educate you on the latest products that you and your installers need to know about before you end up eating the job simply because you didn't use the proper seaming tape, seam sealer, or even tack strip.
At the end of this seminar, participants should be able to:
Describe “new” products that really are not so new but are very different in the way they need to be installed
Analyze the new "green" products and soft yarn systems and understand why they need to be able to identify them and that they require specific installation procedures
Identify various types of carpet construction from action-bac to wilton
Discuss why many installations are doomed from the time they are loaded on the truck and how to prevent these failures