Code |
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 |
WE01 |
Deep Dive: State of the Industry 2024 |
Trent Cotney, Art Aisner, Jill Bloom, Ariane Claire |
WE03 |
Effective Accident Investigation & Reporting Techniques |
Frank Marino |
WE04 |
Marketing Automation & Funnels That Convert More Leads |
Bruce Porter |
WE05 |
Is That Leak Really the Roof? |
Glen Clapper |
WE06 |
Del Techo a la computadora: cómo navegar el panorama digital para Rooferos {Rooftop to Laptop: Navigating the Digital Landscape for Latino Roofing Contractors} (En Español) |
Francisco Serrano Rocha |
WE07 |
Up Your Game: Successfully Recruiting and Retaining Women in the Industry |
Moderator: Shelby Smith; Panelists: Kristin Case, Lindsey Switzer, Rae Fistonich |
WE08 |
So, You Want to Recycle a Roof? |
Robert Anderson, Sherrie MacWilliams, Julianne Endres |
WE09 |
Ethical Duties of Roofers/Contractors-Before, During and After a Claim |
Matthew Pearson |
Code |
Thursday, February 20, 2025 |
TH01 |
Understanding Metal Roofing Part 1 |
Rob Haddock |
TH02 |
Seven (7) Sales Training Basics Beginners Must Master |
John DeRosa |
TH03 |
Roofing and Insurance – When Worlds Collide |
Steven Badger |
TH05 |
How AI is Revolutionizing Roofing Sales |
Lynn Foster |
TH07 |
It’s all about the testing! A technical understanding of Codes and Standards in the Roofing Industry |
Jacqueline LaDuke & Rodrigo Murillo Maese |
TH09 |
Selling your company to Private Equity from two Contractors’ Perspectives |
Nick Sabino, Ken Kelly |
TH12 |
Understanding Metal Roofing Part 2 |
Rob Haddock |
TH13 |
Unlocking Revenue Growth Through Digital Innovation: Strategies for Success |
Kevin Carfa, Patrick Garcia |
TH14 |
Critical Choices: Managing Air/Vapor in Low-Slope Roof Systems |
Scott Wood |
TH15 |
Blueprint for Excellence: Building a Thriving Maintenance and Repair Department |
Tracey Donels |
TH16 |
Mastering the Hiring Process |
Jessica Stahl |
TH17 |
Construyendo su legado: la transición de subcontratista a propietario de una empresa {Building Your Legacy: Transitioning from Subcontractor to Business Owner} (En Español) |
Marcos Sierra |
TH18 |
How to "Fix The Field"- Having a "Healthier" Workforce Culture in the Field |
Greg Hayne |
TH19 |
"Why and For How Long am I Liable?" Liability in Roofing, Before and After the Warranty Period |
C. Leanne Prybylski |
Code |
Friday, February 21, 2025 |
FR02 |
The Anatomy of a Roofing Preinstallation Meeting |
Corey Zussman |
FR04 |
Legal Issues with Sub Labor |
Trent Cotney |
FR05 |
Breaking the Silence: Addressing Mental Health, Suicide, and Addiction in the Roofing Industry |
Mandy McIntyre |
FR06 |
Navigating the Technology Landscape |
John Kiesel, Kyrah Coker, John Kenney, Wendy Marvin; Moderator Heidi Ellsworth |
FR07 |
Latinos en el liderazgo: Cómo hacer crecer su negocio de techado con un equipo sólido {Latinos in Leadership: How to Grow Your Roofing Business with a Strong Team} (En Español) |
Amparo Sancen |
FR08 |
Dispute Resolution - How to Make Every Complaint into an Opportunity to Increase Customer Satisfaction and Grow your Sales |
Scott Siegal |
FR09 |
Architectural Sheet Metal "From Details to Design" |
Eli Howard |
FR11 |
Marketing for Maximum Return on Investment: Leveraging AI, SEO, Paid Ads, and Video |
Brandon Stanton |
FR12 |
Leadership + Management = Accountability |
Sue Hawkes, Jonathan Gardner |
FR13 |
Commercial Roofing Maintenance Contracts |
Jef McCurdy, John Kenney |
FR14 |
Shaping Tomorrow's Workforce: Strategies for Development and Growth in the Skilled Trades |
Rob Balfanz, Paige Knowles, Kendall Duffield, Mason Balfanz, Kayleen McCabe,Chris Sanson |
FR15 |
Understanding Thermal Bridging of Fasteners through Insulated Roofing Systems |
Eric Olson, Jennifer Keegan |
FR16 |
Roof Replacements: An Energy-Efficient Value-Add for Contractors |
Justin Koscher, Marcin Pazera |
FR18 |
The Art of Possible with Technology |
Anna Anderson |