Are you ready for an ICE Audit?
Philip Siegel
Format: MP3 Audio file download
This course will review the new Form I-9 published by DHS during March, 2013. We will discuss how the form differs from previous forms, and how it is properly completed. We will also discuss conducting a self-audit of existing Form I-9s, and how to correct errors or omissions discovered during the self-audit, all in an effort to avoid the imposition of fines and penalties assessed by DHS in an I-9 investigation. The basics of the E-verify system will also be discussed.
Learning Objectives:
- Properly complete the new Form I-9
- Identify errors with previously completed Form I-9s
- Make proper corrections to previously completed Form I-9s
- Apply the rule on retention of Form I-9s, such that Form I-9s that the law does not require be retained are destroyed.
Target Audience:
- Commercial Contractor
- Residential Contractor
- Metal Contractor
- Superintendent-Foreman
- Owner/CEO/General Manager