Presenter: Susan Luck, RN, BS, MA, HNC, CCN, HWNC-BC (mod); with panelists: Robert Rountree, MD; Walter Crinnion, ND; Devra Davis, PhD, MPH Format: Video of slides with synchronized audio
This session will explore current research on the environmental exposures and impact on human health and disease throughout the lifecycle. Content experts will examine the effects of common exposures in our food supply, air, soil, and water and the impact on neurological, metabolic and hormonal systems. Cell phones and radiation, pesticides, and heavy metal toxicity play a critical role in human health and will be explored with strategies on how to minimize exposures.
Learning Objectives
- Examine the effect of chemicals in the food supply on human health
- Examine the research on prenatal exposures and future health outcomes
- Analyze the current research on cell phones on brain health and breast cancer
- Explore the role of heavy metals both within nature and man-made on the aging process and brain function